
"The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence."

In keeping with the postmodern tradition, my project takes the emotion of the statement and transforms it into a visual display. The composition of the work is most close to a rule of thirds. There are varying different lines separating the piece into different sections, segregating some themes while creating a setting of congruence for others. The focal point of the piece is the white robot playing the violin. Though this figure is set back behind two barriers, it is the brightest color of the image thus the eyes are drawn there. One then follows the orange line to right noticing the contrast of the black and white figure on a colorful background with a warm explosion. Returning to the thick vertical line, one's eye path moves up toward the largest piece of the composition. Using Magritte's Midnight Marriage (1926) while adding a Black Right's movement individual and a robot to stare at each other, the painting takes on a new image. The text, "POST- RACIAL" overlaps this image three times. In this composition within the larger composition, the rain drop is the focal point located at the bottom and moves the eyes back down toward the center of color, i.e. the processor of a computer. One eye's are then finally drawn into the top left corner where one of Banksy's "Laugh now but one day we'll be in charge" monkeys stands under a giant rain drop, looking like it is a balloon that he holds.
The color scheme of the composition is complimentary. The rain drops provide the main color of blue which is continued in the sky backdrop. To compliment this color, orange is used overlaying and falling behind the additional collaged images of the work. The orange originally comes from the explosion which occurs in the bottom right corner.

This composition is composed of many different elements that can make it a little more challenging to interpret and understand connotatively, which is sticking to the postmodern tradition. The work using the quotation, includes the rain drops as a mechanism to portray the sadness of artificial intelligence. The image of Einstein is present in order to illustrate the excitement that scientists have over artificial intelligence while others may not understand it. It also presents that Einstein and scientists of yesterday may not be so happy with the way that science has developed. They may believe that it has lost the integrity that it once had. Then again, it is important to remember that science has always been doubted, if we think back to Galileo who was threatened to be killed for his scientific developments. Following the dislike toward new scientific developments, the composition addresses the research on artificial intelligence potentially learning "racism" through word association programs that are used in training. The use of the Banksy monkey in the top corner under the rain drop which almost appears as a balloon providing and image of this already satirical cartoon on leadership and control floating away, leaving us with not humans in control or animals, but artificial intelligence. And specifically, artificial intelligence lacking artifice.


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