Picking up the Pieces Jim Condron Artist Talk

I attended the artist talk by Jim Condron on his exhibition "Picking up the Pieces". For some reason, I expected the artist talk to be super formal and structured. This was not what occurred over the 75 minutes in which Jim Condron invited us into his private life as much as he could. Not only did his pieces expose some of his internal emotions, but his conversation with art critic, Ann Landi, and the gallery director was intimate and told of the experiences that led up to his creation of this series.

It was especially interesting how Condron did not really want to talk it seemed. He described all the defeat that he went through in his early career and what brought him to this point, almost as though he felt that he was still not worthy of having a crowd gather to hear what he thought and felt. I was moved by his admiration for his mentor, who it turns out, was sitting right in front of me. From the questions that were asked, it seems as though the majority of the audience was also moved by their relationship. One attendee asked a question of how Condron will get past his artistic blocks without his mentor, to which Condron did not necessarily have a full answer to.

Finally, I found it most interesting how Landi tried to describe Condron's work as sculpture multiple times and Condron interrupted and corrected her to say that it doesn't quite fit sculpture. When he is creating the pieces, he does not consider himself to be sculpting, but more so constructing.


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